英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 08:09:24

be on to

英 [bi: ɔn tu:]

美 [bi ɑn tu]

动词意识到,找…岔子知道; 识透; 对某人找岔子; 与…联系[商谈]

  • 网络解释

1. 知道(某人的)意图:on and off断断续续地 | be on to知道(某人的)意图 | on time 准时

2. 知道 识透 对某人找岔子 与联系:be on to || 意识到, 找岔子> | be on to || 知道 识透 对某人找岔子 与联系 | be on wires || 紧张, 极度兴奋

3. be on to的翻译

3. 意识到, 找岔子:be on tiptoe with curiosity || 充满好奇心, 好奇得心里发痒 | be on to || 意识到, 找岔子> | be on to || 知道 识透 对某人找岔子 与联系

4. 意识到,明白,了解,察觉. 明白某事的真相了:2. The fight was ended when one of the two boxers was knocked out cold .(当两个拳击手... | be on to 意识到,明白,了解,察觉. 明白某事的真相了. | 1. The police were on to the criminals'plan very quickly....

  • 情景对话


A:The next thing I'd like to bring up for discussion is packing.
- 下面我想就包装问题讨论一下。

B:Please state your opinions about packing.

A:All right. We wish our opinions on packing will be passed on to your manufacturers.

  • 临近词

It was good to be back on land.(回到陆地上真好。)
The church seems to be on the brink of schism.(该教会看来处于分裂的边缘。)
Poets who wax lyrical about the silvery Moon may be on to something.(擅长寄情于银色月光的诗人大概是收到了宇宙的某些启示。)
They may be wise to err on the side of caution.(他们宁可失之过于谨慎也不冒风险也许是明智的。)
You would be ill-advised to travel on your own.(你要独自旅行是不明智的。)
The letter should be on its way to you.(那封信该在路上了。)
Natural resources should be handed on to the next generation intact.(自然资源应该完好无损地传给下一代。)
Skeptics notwithstanding, the Beatles could well be on to something fruitful again, which may find expression in who knows what strange new musical forms.(尽管还有人对此表示怀疑,但是披头士终于又可以再次进行大量的创作了,可能又会发现新奇的音乐表现方式。)
Police are warning the public to be on the alert for suspicious packages.(警方警告公众要警惕可疑包裹。)
A product designer at M. I. T. who created a working prototype for such a wallet seems to think so, and he may be on to something.(麻省理工学院的一位产品设计师设计的这款钱包原型产品看来就是这么考虑的,他或许参透了其中奥秘。)
be on to是什么意思 be on to在线翻译 be on to什么意思 be on to的意思 be on to的翻译 be on to的解释 be on to的发音 be on to的同义词